5 signs healthy eating plan’s too rigid

5 signs healthy eating plan’s too rigid

5 signs healthy eating plan’s too rigid

But I know my limits. My penchant for leafy greens will never displace my love of chocolate or take away from pizza night with my kids. It’s all about balance.
At a certain point, a strict diet – even when it seems healthy – can become dangerous. It doesn’t matter whether you eat clean, follow a vegetarian diet or eschew carbs; when choice and flexibility turn into obsession and rigidity, an issue is brewing.
Here are some warning signs that your rigid eating plan is becoming a problem:
1. You feel guilt and shame when you deviate from your diet
Clean eating is about making nutritious choices most of the time but leaving room for some indulgences. The trouble with the phrase “clean eating” begins when foods outside your approved list are considered “dirty”. You should not feel guilty about enjoying apple pie or movie theatre popcorn once in a while.
2. You’re cutting out entire food groups
Maybe you cut out sugar in an effort to eat better. Because it made you feel good, you continued to build a long list of no-nos – no grains, no fruit, no dairy, etc. When the number of foods you avoid surpasses the list of foods you eat, you’ve gone too far.
3. You avoid social events where food is served
Did you skip your best friend’s birthday dinner to avoid eating cake and drinking beer? If your eating habits are getting in the way of family functions, social events or workplace lunches, it’s time to rethink your limited menu.
A balanced eating plan means you can eat clean but still enjoy dinner with friends without feeling guilty.
4. You feel superior and lecture others about their poor eating habits
Maybe you’re not avoiding social situations, but are your friends avoiding you? Healthy eaters can be preachy about their beliefs. And that can be annoying. If you brag to everyone about your new juice cleanse or insult your friend’s Instagram photo of cupcakes, you’ll risk alienating people.
Your food choices should not define who you are as a person, and you should not judge others based on what they eat. Choose to eat well because you want to feel good, not so you can gloat about it.
5. You spend a ton of time planning your next meal – or the next 10
I recommend clients keep a snack in their desk drawer and write grocery lists to prepare for the week’s recipes. Planning ahead can help you make better food choices. But if you spend more than three hours a day shopping, chopping, prepping, planning and feeling anxious about meals, eating is becoming an obsession. It’s no longer a healthy habit but an internal struggle for control – a classic sign of an eating disorder.
If you recognise these warning signs, it might be time to make a serious change in your eating habits. If you find yourself having trouble stepping back, it’s best to find a registered dietitian and psychotherapist who specialises in treating this type of dietary perfectionism.
Healthy eaters recognise that food is nourishing, pleasurable and social. Once those ideas become the norm, it’s easier to have healthy relationships, make peace with food and discover joy in every bite. – Washington Post
lRegistered dietitian Cara Rosenbloom is president of Words to Eat By, a nutrition communications firm specialising in writing, nutrition education and recipe development. She is the co-author of Nourish: Whole Food Recipes featuring Seeds, Nuts and Beans.